Natures LawA Poem
nature's laoem humbly inscribed to gavin hamilton, esq. great nature spoke: observant man obey'd—pope. let other heroes boast their scars, the marks of sturt and strife: and other poets sing of wars, the plagues of human life: shame fa' the fun, wi' sword and gun to slap mankind like lumber! i sing his name, and nobler fame, wha multiplies our number. great nature spoke, with air benign, “go on, ye human race; this lower world i yn; be fruitful and increase. the liquid fire of strong desire i've pour'd it in ea; here, on this had, does mankind stand, and there is beauty's blossom.” the hero of these artless strains, a lowly bard was he, who sung his rhymes in coila's plains, with meikle mirth an'glee; kind nature's care had given his share large, of the flaming current; and, all devout, he never sought to stem the sacred torrent. he felt the powerful, high behest thrill, vital, thro' and thro'; and sought a correspo breast, to give obedience due: propitious powers s'd the young flow'rs, from mildews of abortion; and low! the bard—a great reward— has got a double portion! auld tie ay t the day, as annual it returns, the third of libra's equal sway, that gave another burns, with future rhymes, an' other times, to emulate his sire: to sing auld coil in yle with more poetic fire. ye powers of peace, and peaceful song, look down with gracious eyes; and bless auld coila, large and long, with multiplying joys; lang may she stand to prop the land, the flow'r of a nations; and burnses spring, her fame to sing, to endless geions!